IV.1 Account FAQ

I can't find the KYC section.

KYC has not started yet, so there is no KYC section in the app.

Kindly follow us to receive the earliest notifications about KYC

I entered incorrect information when opening an account, how can I change it?

When you open an account, you can freely choose a name and username. It does not affect your account. When we request verification of information, you will provide your personal information later

I cannot log into my account; the system notify that "unusual access"

You will receive this notification if you enter the wrong password multiple times. After a few hours, kindly reset your password and try logging in again

I forgot my password to log into my account

Kindly reset your password by selecting "Forgot password" at the login screen and following the instructions.

I did not receive the mobile code

This situation often happens with users in China who use phone numbers to create accounts.

The reason is that China often blocks messages sent from abroad, so sending codes is often unstable.

However, it's just not stable but you can still receive the code. Please keep trying again after 1 - 2 hours

I did not receive 4 AZC when I opened the account

4 AZC is a reward when you are referred by someone. You need to enter the referral code when creating an account

I can't find where to enter the referral code

You can only enter the referral code the first time you create an account.

I don't know where to get my referral code

Kindly refer to the App instructions in Section II.2

My app says it needs to update to a new version, but when I press update, it goes to the azcoiner.com home page, not the Goole Play

You are using the apk version. You need to download the new apk version on the homepage: https://azcoiner.com/

Remember that you must delete the old version before downloading the new version

Last updated